Grinder Pump Info Update – September 2017

Many homes in the Village have grinder pumps to pump household sewage to the sanitary sewer system where topography does not allow traditional gravity discharge.  The service life of the pumps is typically 6 to 12 years.  Due to the age of the Pines and the Settlement at Utica Lake developments, many homeowners will need to replace their grinder pump in the next few years.

It is important that the right type and size is used for replacement.  The low pressure sewer system in the village was designed with all homes using the same pump.  The pressure and low flow rate of the pump is important to the overall system functioning properly.  An undersized or oversized pump could adversely impact you or your neighbor.  In addition, an off-brand manufacturer pump may not provide the expected service life.

There are 3 different plumbers that are willing to have us list their number’s for replacing the grinder pumps when they need replacing and I have talked to all 3 and they are on board and said they will do the best they can to take care of the residents when the pumps fail. Andy from ASI is still waiting on pumps but tells me he should have some available in the very near future and he is willing to do 24/7 365 days a year once he gets the pumps in his inventory again he is hoping very very soon. Also they all are telling me that the E-One pumps have gotten very expensive and they feel that they are overpriced, but feel the Zoeller Pump (Jim Murry pump) and the Redmond pump are the most reasonable priced and what they recommend, however if a resident would request the E-One pump that Erspamer plumbing can get the E-one.

The big difference with pumps is that the Redmond & E-One pumps do not have floats and they need an “Installation ring” to fit the original grinder pump pits where the Zoeller (Jim Murry) pumps fit right in the old pits but do have floats.

As for the Erspamer plumbing and Krischan plumbing  they will stock pumps but cannot promise that they can always be there right away but definitely within a day or so.

Hope this helps with the issues of lately and by having 3 different plumbers to call and have pumps on the self to install will make this go much more smoothly and not extremely expensive for the homeowner.

Here are the following contacts:

Krischan Plumbing – Tom Krischan – Dousman, WI 53118 – 262-567-0038 – Provides Zoeller Pumps

ASI – Andy Huss – Nashotah, WI 53058 – 262-367-6448 – Provides the Redmond Pumps

Espamer Plumbing – Dousman WI. 53118 – 262-392-3476 – Provides Zoeller and E-One Pumps – looking into the Redmond Pmps


Dousman Utilities Superintendent

Joe Kitelinger
